BODH - Lighting the Path to Learning

Grades - III To V ( 8 - 10 YEARS )

Learning begins with observation, curiosity, and a growing awareness of the world through interactions with family and surroundings at Ahaan-Ankuran. Progressing from Ahaan-Ankuran to Bodh, the learner continues their journey of discovery, now with an increasing sense of self-awareness and acknowledgment of their abilities. Bodh at our school serves as the learning space for students in years 8-10.

Bodh represents the learners’ spirit of self-ability and awareness. With growing confidence, students progress during this stage from Learning to Learn to Learning to Know. At this stage, a child steps into a formal education setup for the first time and begins developing an independent perception of the world. They also develop a sense of awareness about their social identity. In other words, logical thinking starts to take shape in a structured manner.

Since we emphasize holistic learning, it is not restricted to literacy, numeracy, and digital competencies alone. Instead, it is a continuous process of building essential skills needed to lead a happy and fulfilling life.


Bodh is the stage where the students develop a love for learning. This begins with them realizing that they have the capacity to know new things and they can explore the myriad ways in which they can acquire the same.


A transition from concrete to abstract thinking: This facet of Bodh aims at students starting to link their everyday learning to the larger concepts.


Thinking and memory that is enhanced by creativity and imagination: No learning happens in Bodh that is based on rote memorization. To be able to a sense of fairness and compassion


GROWING INTEREST GROWING INTEREST Growing interest in socialization: As the students take further interest in society and its development, they get to understand the fabric that knits the different elements of it together. Their learning of these elements and the kind of crucial role they play in the community starts here.